to the asian with blond hair (wig?) that visited the St. Alps by St. Marks on 10/28/01 around 4pm in the afternoon, left to go pick up something at McDonald's, came back and grabbed your pearl tea drink--you rock!
they call me drama. posted at 10:15 AM
Resolution: to decrease complaints by at least 50% on this site. I think I whine too much, and I think it’s about time for me to grow up at least a little bit.
Addendum to the resolution: I promise not to make empty promises about posting more to this rarely read site. Hell, at most this is only place for me to cathart. Reader response matters relatively little. (Actually, it would matter more if people paid attention to this and gave me some useful and constructive criticism, but since no one does--criticism has been limited to "you suck" and "not enough sexually explicit text"--it rarely affects the content of this page.)
And so, here goes:
Does anyone other myself (and sh352) find it somewhat ironic that the US decided to respond to a war against the hegemony of the West on the day before a holiday that celebrates the beginning of the hegemony of the West? I’m not saying that we actually are the heavy-handed global bully we’re accused of, but we’re not exactly doing the best PR job here, guys. Also, that whole “crusade” comment didn’t help much, either.
That’s my thought for the day. Tune in next decade when I have another deep thought.
they call me drama. posted at 8:55 PM