as the famous sounds of beethoven's 5th symphony are heard, a
voice speaks...rising above the reveal --
"do you think you've reached a night at the symphoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?????" "well ahm sorry baby but you're wrong! you've reached 3-diva! that's raht! ah said 3-D-AH-V-A, the home of lauren, lauren, liza, neil, annie, and sarah! leave a message and we'll call you back!" "God bless harvard!" |
defining memories of first year of college:
interpretive dances. one-minute dance parties. late-night popcorn. "quack quack" goes the computer. core dumps. rudenstein shrine aka neil wall. annenberg lamppost. "shadow". nickname creation. psychotic answering machine message. three visits to uhs in one month. "you are my sunshine". drunken pre-frosh. 8 argentinians -- and their little brother roberto. fish pillows. snowball in the freezer all winter long. cardboard box/trash can. divan -- "does someone sleep there?". "i've had the time of my life."
annie antar. huntsville, alabama. bass fish. "crackhead", "dumb corps", "refugee". molecule of the day, banjo-playing. currently: travailing the wonders that be of med school. | lauren hult. carlisle, massachusetts. colorful fish (same as malan's), bashed in nose. "hult". interpretive dances, im-ing. currently: livin' the high life in the city that never sleeps. | ||
lauren malan. stamford, connecticut. colorful fish (same as hult's), graceful nose. "malan", "honeychile", "lauren #1". 4-square. currently: traversing the globe. | sarah redmond. richmond, virginia. blue, colorful fish. "maria". mood swings, the same 5 bars of her music 51 composition. currently: being a real life maria... teaching music in the land down under. |
liza ching. san jose, california. rainbow trout. "michelle kwan". ice skating. currently: working for big brother and living in the ultimate company town. |